FreeBSD is Fun

Practical recipes for FreeBSD

Category: System

  • Monitoring your servers with Monit

    Monitoring your servers with Monit

    ​If you have ever had an unwanted incident on your server – cores crashing, filesystem getting full or ddos attacks- you know that finding out what went wrong can sometimes turn into one hell of a detective job, especially for those of us who don’t have a degree in Computer Science. Sure there are some…

  • FreeBSD 14 is here

    FreeBSD has recently launched version 14 of their operating system. I have personally worked with it for a while and haven’t found any issue or incompatibility with my existing software. However, there are some things worth remarking for from within the long list of changes published by the FreeBSD foundation, as it directly may affect…

  • Copy files between servers with SCP

    Need to move large files from one server to another? It’s time to grow out of WinSCP and skip the middleman. Copying from server to server is easier than you think!

  • SSMTP, or e-mail delivery made simple

    Update: FreeBSD 14 has replaced Sendmail with Dragonfly MTA (do not confuse with the operating system, Dragonfly BSD). Since Dragonfly is easy to configure and the SSMTP port mentioned in this article is not updated anymore, I suggest using Dragonfly instead – even if you are not using FreeBSD 14 yet. One of the least…

  • Updating FreeBSD

    Updating FreeBSD

    It’s often during my freelance gigs that I come across clients using dinosaur age versions of FreeBSD, requiring to spend hours to bring the OS and applications to a minimum usable standard. So today I’d like to show you, my potential future clients *wink*, how to keep your system in top condition. (By the way,…

  • Keeping your logs tidy

    If you’ve ever run a fairly busy webserver on FreeBSD -or you just happen to have particularly badly written code spamming the error log, such as some wordpress based plugin spaghetti- you probably found yourself into the situation where your logs grow out of proportion. Or maybe you ran software that went into some sort…

  • FreeBSD network setup for VMs in OVH

    One of the reasons why FreeBSD fans are not very fond of OVH is the fact that networking will simply not work out of the box when you create a virtualization guest. In my case I have used Proxmox, but these instructions should work with any other virtualization host. Installing FreeBSD is otherwise very straightforward…